Friday, 3 December 2010

The Unfortunate Mishap of Dragona Pine Who Fell Into A Cavernous Pit On Account Of His Wicked Behaviour

This poem is for Dragona. I promised not to kill you off in this one. Well I keep to my word.

The Unfortunate Mishap of Dragona Pine Who Fell Into A Cavernous Pit On Account Of His Wicked Behaviour

The tale that I’m about to tell
Of poor Dragona Pine
Who boasted about his greatness
But actually failed to shine.

A tall young lad of six foot four
Or so he used to claim
Who terrorised other children
But never caught the blame

Although quite thin he was quite strong
With a rather violent mind
He threw the children with one arm
A habit that he refined

He threw the poor boys through the air
Till they met with the floor with their face
And Dragona just felt quite amused
The boy is a total disgrace

But soon he would learn just how wicked it was
To be violent, he’d later admit
For we come to the crux of the story
The part with the cavernous pit

One day young Dragona was walking
When a poor little child passed by
And Dragona just thought what fun it would be
To see the poor little child fly

So he hoisted him up singlehandedly
And sent him right up into space
When a teacher just happened to notice
As the child burnt up on re-entry
With a tortured grimace on his face

The teacher was furious and angry
And exploded because of the fright
The explosion created a chasm
And Dragona fell into the chasm
As anyone near the pit might

He landed there THUD at the bottom
The pit was cavernous and cold
And the frost on the walls seemed to sparkle in glee
If only you’d do what you’re told.

For Dragona escaped from the cavernous pit
By building himself a large rope
That he made from his hair and his heartstrings
And he left the pit unable to cope.

And he spent all the rest of his days
Feeling subdued and sickly and sad
And he wished that he’d been a bit better
And learnt throwing children is bad

So I come to the moral of the story
If you have to throws kids though the air
And a teacher just happens to notice
And they start to swell up, just beware!