Friday, 3 December 2010

Golden God

To those who were directed here from Derek Landy's blogpost "Finally...!"

The correct link to the fanfiction Derek refered to is HERE.

For every one else keep reading.

This sonnet was written for Derek Landy a god amongst men. Shakespeare had nothing on you. You are the centre of the universe and I am honoured to have written this.

Golden God

My Golden God shines brighter than the sun
Nature pales when it’s compared to him
The wonder of the snow is dull and dun
When Landy sighs the world is bleak and grim.
I have seen galaxies stand still and stare
When Golden God approaches from on high
He has such talent, humour, wit and flair
That lesser mortal writers can but cry.
I love to hear him speak for well I know
That genius resounds in every word
He is the light; from him all dreams do grow
To never her his name is just unheard.
When Landy laughs his smile can light up skies
And when he weeps then all creation cries.