Monday, 6 December 2010

The Pursuit of Hiashiness

This poem was written for Mary Hiashi. You are a great source of inspration to others and just be yourself.

The Pursuit of Hiashiness

I’m not a lofty mountain top
With snowflakes for my hair
For mountain tops get lonely
In the pure and pristine air

Yet I am far more special
I’m the only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi

I’m not a golden bird of flight
Who soars above the sky
For golden birds they miss the life
Below, that passes by

Yet I am far more special
I’m the only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi

I’m not a purple blossom
Amongst a field of clover
For clover quickly withers
Once the summer months are over

Yet I am far more special
I’m the only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi

I’m not a gleaming diamond
Inside a treasure store
For every little diamond has
A tiny little flaw

Yet I am far more special
I’m the only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi

I’m not a sundry, scarlet leaf
At Autumn’s beck and call
For every leaf, there comes a time
When sadly it must fall

Yet I am far more special
I’m the only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi

I’m not the mighty ocean
With froth upon the waves
For deep beneath its surface
Lies a multitude of graves

Yet I am far more special
I’m the only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi

For I have my ambitions
I’ve my hopes, my goals, my dreams
And I also have my nightmares
And my fears and tears and screams

For I am far more special
Than the mountains, bird and sea
Than the rolling fields of clover
Than the diamond and the tree

For I’m unique amongst the stars
The only one to be
Myself, to put it simply
I’m Mary Hiashi


  1. I love this, Octa

    YOU are very special!

    Aren't we all great inspiration :)

  2. Amazing Octaboona!
    I love it, thanks...
    You can't read minds can you?? Oh god, you've hired the brain monkeys!!!!

    *Runs high tail away*

    Blessed be,
    Miss Mary Hiashi

  3. O.O

    Epica, good sir. Just plain ol' epica...
