Saturday, 4 December 2010


This poem was written for knight who has sadly left Derek Blogs Under Duress. I didn't get to know you very well and I don't know if you'll ever read this but I just want you to know that we all miss you dearly.


Farewell my friend, my golden knight, my joy
I miss you more than any words could say
Although I never got to know you well
A little piece of my heart dies
To hear of your departure

My body racked with pain I weep
For a friendship never made
At the loss that rings inside me
My soul is sheathed in sorrow
To hear of your going

A tear rolls down my face
Ravaged with grief
The past is history
The future a mystery
But now is a gift
Every moment spent with you so precious
Although I barely knew you
My eyes well up with longing
For a shattered bond that never truly formed

The harsh winds of winter
Have nipped the bud of our friendship
And thus ceases a truly beautiful flower
That holds on only in my mind

And although you may never hear these words
I cry them out to the world
To halt the pain that we feel
At your going

At last I come to the hardest words I’ve ever had to say
But say them I must
As I finish my farewell
That you’ll never hear
A sob filled choked out cry
That masked the last words ever said between us

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